Our goal is to create new pathways for recycling excess nutrients from shellfish farms to upland areas to mutually benefit sea and land.

Energy and nutrients flow between landscapes and seascapes – weaving the systems together, fueling ecological diversity and productivity. Historically, salmon were one of these conveyor belts. As they returned in large numbers to spawn and die in their natal streams, their carcasses remained, delivering parcels of ocean nutrients to the forest and soils, and providing food for scavengers. As salmon runs declined, so too did a pathway for conveying nutrients from sea to land.

At the same time, nutrient inputs from surrounding lands increased. Puget Sound has been inundated over the last century with excess nutrients from land-based sources, fueling algae blooms in local bays and inlets. When the blooms die back, the decomposition process uses up oxygen and increases acidity – creating a harmful environment for marine organisms. This phenomenon is clearly evident on shellfish farms – where aquaculture gear often accrues large mats of green macroalgae (Ulva spp.) in the warm summer months. Shellfish farmers struggle to remove the seaweed from their gear to maintain shellfish growth and survival. In 2017, to shine light on the need to address this problem, the Washington Blue Ribbon Panel on Ocean Acidification recommended exploring removal of excess seaweed from shellfish farms as a way to improve local water quality and support healthy shellfish growing areas.

Disruptions to natural nutrient pathways have contributed to a glut of nutrients in receiving waters and a paucity of nutrients in the uplands. To address this problem, PSRF and partners are exploring novel ways to rebuild these flows, and help maintain ecological function across landscapes in support of healthy shellfish growing areas. One strategy is to harvest seaweed from shellfish farms and recycle the excess marine nutrients to improve nutrient-poor soil. In coastal communities throughout history, seaweed has been recognized as a nutrient-rich source of soil-building organic matter. More recently, efforts to rebuild soil nutrient stocks with valuable micronutrients and biostimulants, and remove excess nutrients from coastal waters, have emerged as critical strategies for mitigating climate change. Excess seaweed removed from shellfish farms and repurposed as a soil amendment is just one example of conveying excess nutrients into a sustainable pathway, reminiscent of the ecological flows between marine and terrestrial systems. 

Working closely with the Nisqually Indian Tribe and other partners in Henderson Inlet, we are harvesting and passively drying Ulva spp., a green seaweed, that accumulates on (and potentially threatens) native Olympia oyster beds managed by the Tribe. We’re actively exploring its local application as an additive in livestock feed, and a soil amendment. The Ulva collected from Henderson will be delivered to the Nisqually Indian Tribe’s organic community garden for use in their compost system, and a 2024 pilot-scale experiment involving raised garden beds showed a 67% increase in yield when dried seaweed was added as a mulch. Our focus on making local connections between shellfish operations and potential upland users helps demonstrate a strategy for developing resilient shellfish farming practices that might also help re-convey nutrients into sustainable pathways within a communal watershed. This project is funded by The Russell Family Foundation.

PSRF is a part of a 5-year (2024-2028) exploratory research project that aims to scale the age-old practice of using seaweed as a soil amendment. The project engages Puget Sound aquatic (sea) and terrestrial (land) farmers in mutually beneficial collaborations to repurpose ‘nuisance’ seaweed removed from shellfish gear as an agricultural soil amendment. Project partners include University of Washington (Project Lead), Washington State University, Washington Sea Grant, Baywater Shellfish and Viva Farms. This project is funded by USDA and part of the USDA Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities program.

Concluded in 2023, this project was our first dip into seaweed recycling. In the project, we sought to transform seaweed growing on aquaculture gear from a “nuisance” to a profitable market product. To do this, we monitored the abundance of seaweed biofouling across three shellfish farms in Puget Sound over two growing seasons, explored the harvestability of fouling seaweed, monitored the effects of its removal on cultivated shellfish and local water quality, and investigated the market potential of seaweed as a resource. This project catapulted us into our current two projects to deepen this exploration!  Shellfish Farm partners included Baywater Shellfish, Chuckanut Shellfish Farm, and Calm Cove Oysters.  The project was funded by NOAA’s Saltonstall-Kennedy Program and The Builders Initiative.

Seaweed recycling may help reduce the harmful impacts of excess nutrients in our local waters, aid shellfish farmers in managing their excess seaweed, and help replenish upland soil health. But beyond the potential environmental benefits, repurposing excess seaweed as a nutrient-rich resource to support soil health also opens the door for building out resilient, sustainable practices in the shellfish and farming industries alike, and strengthening a community network of farmers helping farmers.

Sea-Land program will continue to:

  • Explore removal of excess seaweed from shellfish farms as a way to improve local water quality and help sustain healthy shellfish growing areas; 
  • Pilot experimental seaweed collection at intertidal shellfish farms to help harness a ready-made resource with potential benefits for upland farmers and soil health;
  • Support shellfish growers in establishing sustainable seaweed removal practices and potential markets; and
  • Assess other sustainable pathways for seaweed with mutual sea-to-land benefits.



Sea-Land Program Co-Lead & Engagement Specialist


Crab Program Manager & Sea-Land Program Co-Lead