Our goal is to recover native species that have lost breeding populations, maintain genetic diversity, and research effects of changing seawater conditions.

In 2014, Puget Sound Restoration Fund (PSRF) began operations at NOAA’s Northwest Fisheries Science Center’s Kenneth K. Chew Center for Shellfish Research and Restoration, a new NOAA facility dedicated to research and production of native shellfish and other Pacific Northwest living marine resources in partnership with PSRF. Development of a conservation hatchery was identified as a high-level need in both phases of the Washington Shellfish Initiative as guided by the National Shellfish Initiative, and in the Blue Ribbon Panel on Ocean Acidification‘s 2012 and 2017 recommendations (both found here). The facility, located at NOAA’s Manchester Research Station, is operated by PSRF through a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) with NOAA to collaboratively conduct and manage research and restoration activities. To learn more, download an overview of our work at the hatchery and an overview of our 2017-2019 biennial hatchery report to Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife.


  • Culture genetically-diverse native oysters and abalone to preserve local populations.
  • Expand the ability to restore native shellfish habitat in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Understand impacts of ocean acidification on shellfish and other marine life.
  • Advance the technology and practices of conservation aquaculture.
  • Establish a center of excellence for shellfish research & restoration.
  • Continuous filtered seawater supply
  • Temperature, pH controlled seawater
  • Ocean acidification research
  • Microalgae culture
  • Dedicated kelp lab for propagation and research
  • Floating dock w/Floating Upweller System (FLUPSY)
  • Tideland shellfish nursery
Support PSRF's Conservation Hatchery

Support PSRF's Conservation Hatchery

At our Conservation Hatchery, PSRF cultures Olympia oysters, pinto abalone, sea cucumbers and native kelp species to advance restoration efforts throughout Puget Sound and provide a hub for research. The hatchery is invaluable to PSRF and our mission. Please consider a donation to help support the hatchery and PSRF's work.